


- 赞助 -


This is an elegant and luxurious villa with elegant temperament. The designer perfectly integrates naturalism and modernism, and shows his consistent fluent and elegant style with luxurious interior decoration and gorgeous material performance.


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Entering the foyer, you can see a large area of splashed marble floor. Metal elements are interspersed in the middle. The color and soft lighting add a delicacy to the whole. The delicate expression of space will be better presented。

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Whether it is the reception area or the main hall, the overall lighting effect is just right. The transparent glass is used in the treatment of the living room space, which makes the moving line of the space coherent without affecting the overall beauty. The simplified American lines are freely extended and arranged. Through the whole metal material in the overall black and white color embellishment, jump, show unique exquisite style.

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The dining table is a long marble round table with a long round mirror, which can suppress the spatial tonality and broaden the space visually. The modern lotus leaf chandelier adds delicate and delicate texture to the space. Whether it’s the Taoist’s infinite yearning for the “melodic sitting without strings” in traditional Chinese aesthetics, or the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras’s admiration for the “circle” and “sphere”, we can see the preference of Chinese and Western cultures for the curve form since ancient times.

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The bedroom style of light luxury style is overwhelming! The color collocation is not restricted. The headpiece background uses the suede material, cuts out the texture design line, the fiber touch also presents the relaxed sleeping atmosphere, creates a really comfortable and resting private space. The main lamp with a strong modeling sense creates theater style light and shadow, which makes the visual tension deeper. The bathroom is designed languidly and generous, and the gentle lighting makes people immerse in it. Every bedroom has traces to follow, but in different tonality but also in coordination with each other.

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